Avoid an “Oh Ship!” moment while you are out on the harbour or near a shipping channel and keep yourself safe. Here’s a checklist for boating safely around shipping channels:
Have you anchored outside the channel?
Tauranga Harbour has a busy shipping channel and anchoring in this area may put you in harm’s way. To enjoy a stressfree experience on the water, always anchor outside the bouys
Are you well clear of berthed ships?
Items can fall from cargo ships, so always keep a safe distance around ships on berth – at least 50 metres – and only pass when it is safe to do so.
Are you in a blind spot?
The blind spot of a cargo ship can extend for hundreds of metres, which means even if you can see them, they may not know you’re there. To avoid close calls, never cross in front of a moving ship.
Are you giving ships enough space?
Large ships entering the harbour will be travelling a lot faster than they look, and they can’t stop, slow down or change course easily. Always stay at least 500 metres from the bow of moving ships.
Are you tuned in to VHF 12 or 01?
Keep out of harm’s way. Always check the shipping schedule. Ship movements are broadcast 15 minutes beforehand on VHF channel 01 or 12.